Marketing Presentations and Briefs

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Basic Information

Alango Technologies - General Information

Alango has been developing and licensing digital voice and audio processing technologies, algorithms and software since 2002...
(A4 flyer, October 2024)

Alango Technologies Brief

October 2024. Revision 3.1.

DSP Voice and Audio Technologies for Products Based on CSR ICs

July 2016

Automotive Solutions

Automotive PersonaSound™

Marketing Presentation (PPSX).
Revision 2.1. October 2024.

Automotive PersonaSound™

A4 flyer (PDF).
Today's car sound systems lack personalization, causing overly loud sound or reduced speech comprehension, particularly for those with hearing loss...

Alango Automotive DSP Solutions

Marketing presentation (PDF). Version 5.5. June 2024.

SoundAround™ - External Sound Acquisition for Cars

Principle: using vibration sensors attached to car windows inside a car for external sounds acquisition...

Sound Reinforcement Package

SRP is a voice reinforcement system allowing people inside the same vehicle to communicate with each other conveniently and safely...

Hearing Solutions

Hearing Enhancement Solutions. PersonaSound™

February 2024. Hearing, voice, audio enhancement technologies for TWS earbuds, headsets, OTC hearing aids & beyond.

PATRA™ - Personalized Amplified Transparency

A licensable set of software technologies to personalize hearing enhancement...

Hearing, Hearables & Hearing Health

This presentation was given by Dr. Alexander Goldin at Global Device Summit (MWC 2018, Shanghai).

HLAA 2017: Hearables as Personal Hearing Products

This presentation was given by Dr. Alexander Goldin at Hearing Loss Association of America Convention in June 2017, Salt Lake City, Utah.

HearPhones™ RD Concept

HearPhones™ - software development kit for a Bluetooth headset with hearing enhancement and assistive listening capabilities...

Mobile Solutions

Voice & Speech Recognition Enhancement - Solutions for Mobile Devices

If you're looking to enhance speech recognition or improve voice signal quality, find out how Alango can improve performance in your next device.

Voice Enhancement Technologies

VoiceDefender™ - Enhanced Voice Processing for Headphones

Licensable software for processing voice calls and improving voice control...
(A4 flyer, January 2023)

VoiceFirst™ - Enhanced Speech in TV Shows
and Movies

Annoyed by excessive background sounds while watching movies? Sporting events? TV shows?
(A4 flyer, January 2024)

OnlyVoice™ - DSP Voice Capture Technology for TWS Earbuds

The user's speech picked up by the microphones in the earpiece may be contaminated by ambient noise...
(A4 flyer, January 2023)

Voice Enhancement Package, KWR Improvement and Comparisons

This report summarizes VEP tests as well as comparisons with Amazon Echo2 and Synaptics 4-microphone development kit.

Acoustic Echo Cancellation (AEC) Leaflet

When part of the signal in duplex (simultaneous two-way) communication returns back to the source it is called “echo”. Even small echo may be very annoying and disrupting...

Automatic Volume and Equalization Control (AVQ) Leaflet

AVQ technology amplifies and equalizes sounds according to ambient noise characteristics in both amplitude and frequency...

Adaptive Dual Microphone (ADM) Leaflet

ADM is a digital signal processing technology creating a directional or noise-canceling microphone using just two omnidirectional microphones...

Audio Enhancement Technologies


Augmenting Audio Experience

SonicVibrance™ - Elevating Music Experience

Enriching music in harmony with actual listener preference...


Alango Parametric EQ Optimizer “ALPEQO"

Alango "ALPEQO" filter optimization tool enables individual parametric equalization of devices during the manufacturing stage, using simple, second order digital filters to correct frequency response variations...

Voice Communication Package (VCP) leaflet

VCP is a universal software package of digital signal processing technologies for voice applications enabling high quality, full duplex, noise free communication from various environments...
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