Voice Enhancement

Video  / Voice Enhancement  / video 20
Nov.19, 2017
Sound Effect Normalization

Do you like watching movies? Sporting events? TV shows? Have you noticed that they are getting noisier and noisier as time goes by, making it more and more difficult to follow the dialogue? Or, at least, is that what you feel is happening? If so, you may think there is nothing you can do to make the background noise softer and less annoying, the speech more intelligible, and the whole experience more enjoyable. You are right, you cannot. However, technology can. Alango Technologies is introducing a revolutionary VoiceFirst™ technology (previously known as SEN or Sound Effect Normalization) . Activate VoiceFirst™ technology on your device and enjoy listening again, as before, as it should be: the proper mix of music, sound effects, and spoken dialogue.

Watch this video on Alango Youtube Channel

Related Links

Technologies → Voice Enhancement → VoiceFirst

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